The NCD Child Global Advocacy Course is an open-access, online course that aims to increase knowledge about the most pressing NCD priorities in children, adolescents and young people. The course also helps equip those that are interested in NCD advocacy to take their knowledge and skills to the next level.

MODULE 1: The Global Youth NCD Landscape

MODULE 2: Major NCDS and Risk Factors

MODULE 3: Effective Strategies to Address NCDs

MODULE 4: Becoming an Effective NCD Advocate
This comprehensive advocacy course is for all those interested in the health and well-being of children, adolescents and young people, including but not limited to:
- Young people with basic working knowledge of advocacy
- Healthcare and public health professionals
- Policy makers
- Representatives from governments, civil society organizations and the private sector
We would like to thank our course development team, partners and subject matter experts who contributed to the review and development of the NCD Child Global Advocacy Course.